Cardozo was ranked #6 in the nation and given an A+ in Racial Justice by PreLaw Magazine. Cardozo's Business Law program also received an A+ and the law school's Criminal Law program received an A.
This is the first time the magazine has ranked racial justice programs amongst law schools. The racial justice ranking demonstrates "a commitment to racial justice issues" as measured by curricular offerings and faculty.
Faculty members working on the frontlines of racial justice include Michelle Adams, Betsy Ginsberg, Kate Levine, Kathryn Miller, Alex Reinert, Ekow Yankah, Jonathan Oberman, Ngozi Okidegbe and Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum. They have all focused extensively on racial justice through their research, writings and practice.
Cardozo is the birthplace of The Innocence Project, one of the first clinics in the nation to focus on the racial disparity in criminal prosecutions and convictions and a leader in criminal justice reform for over 25 years. In addition, the law school is home to the Center for Rights and Justice, and multiple clinics, field clinics and courses dealing with racial equity and justice issues.
Cardozo's business law offerings include cutting-edge collaborations at the intersection of law, technology and business including The Blockchain Project; the Cardozo Data Law Initiative; The Cardozo-Google Patent Diversity Project; The Indie Film Clinic; The Tech Startup Clinic; The Heyman Center on Corporate Governance and the FAME Center for Fashion, Arts, Media and Entertainment law.
The Heyman Center on Corporate Governance supports research in environmental law, financial institutions, antitrust, mass tort litigation, alternative dispute resolution (including business and securities arbitration), employment law, international and comparative business, investment, trade, and commercial law.
Over the past two years, Cardozo has received A or A+ grades in the following areas: Public interest law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property law, Family Law, International Law, Tax Law and Practical Training.
Read the fall edition of preLaw.