At Cardozo, our mission is to create a living and learning environment second to none among law schools, affording you the opportunity to grow personally and professionally and to enjoy these very important and exciting years. We know life doesn't stop just because you are in law school. The Office of Student Services strives to create an inclusive environment so students can seek support within a wide range locations throughout the school including: The Office of Diversity and Inclusion; The Office of Academic Support; and the Office of The Dean of Students.
Stephen Iannacone, Director of Academic Success
email Email
- phone Phone 646-592-6432
Counseling and Advising
We can help you manage the personal pressures of law school as well as outside challenges that are compromising your ability to function. Such factors can include, but are not limited to, emotional distress, academic difficulties, family problems, physical illness, substance abuse, and sexual assault or harassment. If you experience difficulties in or out of law school, or need special support services, you are strongly encouraged to meet with a member of the Office of Student Services to discuss your situation. For problems that cannot be handled within the Office of Student Services, referrals to other resources are available.
Stephen Iannacone
Director of Academic Success

For Students with Children
Cardozo offers a dedicated comfortable nursing space for new mothers.
Instructions for completing an application for child care subsidy
Contemplation Room
Cardozo School of Law offers a Contemplation Room for contemplation, reflection, meditation and/or prayer. The Contemplation Room is located on the 8th Floor of the Law Library and is available to Cardozo Law students, faculty, administrators and staff on a first come, first served basis. In order to facilitate optimal use of the space, the law school has established the following guidelines for use of the Contemplation Room.