The Office of Student Services' mission is to create a living and learning environment second to none among law schools, affording you the opportunity to grow personally and professionally and to enjoy these very important and exciting years. Our open door policy means that we’re always here to listen, whether your concerns are academic, personal, or extracurricular.
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For individual and group instruction in case reading and analysis, writing, outlining, exam preparation and writing, including academic advising and support in all areas, please contact the Lawyering and Legal Writing Center. These services are provided free of charge.

Academic Support
Cardozo School of Law is committed to providing all Cardozo students with the supportive academic environment they need to achieve their full potential.
Students in need of academic support work with the Office of Academic Support, which works closely with the Office of Student Services and Advising.To help our students meet the challenges of our rigorous curriculum, Cardozo offers many varied academic support resources, including:
- The Lawyering & Legal Writing Center provides skills-based support, counseling, workshops and resources related to legal writing, research, legal analysis, and exam writing.
- The Office of Student Services and Advising, which provides counseling, workshops and resources concerning all aspects of student life.
- One-on-one tutoring sessions to those students seeking individualized assistance in meeting the unique challenges of a legal education.

Academic Administration
The Dean of Students is the individual responsible for approval of requests in a variety of academic areas from students experiencing special circumstances. OSSA also handles all aspects of the administration of examinations.
Special Circumstances
Special circumstances include requests for withdrawals from courses, reduced course loads, letters of good standing, and other academic requests. The Dean of Students also serves as the student liaison to the Academic Standards Committee for students whose academic standing is in jeopardy, as well as for students who are alleged to have violated the school's disciplinary code.
General information on examinations is included in the Cardozo Student Handbook, which can be found under the Student Handbook link on the left side. Each semester, a preliminary exam schedule is provided to all students with registration materials. Towards the end of the semester, OSSA posts an exam memorandum on InsideTrack/Luminis Portal in the "Exam" portlet. This memorandum includes a final copy of the examination schedule and complete information on all exam procedures and guidelines, along with rules and request forms for rescheduling and special arrangements. For more information on exam accommodations for disabilities, please see the Disability Accommodations link on the left side.
Exam room assignments are posted on the bulletin boards in the lobby near the 12th Street and 5th Ave. elevators the night before the scheduled exam.
Bar Examinations and Admissions
Students must apply directly to the jurisdiction(s) in which they intend to sit for the bar examination. Information on the New York State Bar Examination can be obtained directly from the NYS Board of Law Examiners by calling (518) 453-5990 or from the Board's web site. Information on the New Jersey Bar Examination can be obtained directly from the directly from the New Jersey Board of Bar Examiners by calling (609) 815-2911 or from the Board's web site.
Students planning to take the bar exam in other jurisdictions must directly contact the Board of Bar Examiners in the relevant state for information. Addresses for all relevant state boards are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE). Simply click on a state from the drop-down list found under the “Jurisdiction Information” heading.
All states require certification of graduation from law school as part of the application to sit for the bar exam and/or to be admitted to the bar. Requests for such certification should be sent to the Office of the Registrar. Students with questions about bar certification paperwork can contact the Registrar by emailing or calling 212-790-0295 during regular business hours.
In addition to a bar examination, there are character, fitness, and other qualifications for admission to the bar in every U.S. jurisdiction. This will involve an extensive application with detailed questions relating to your work, educational and personal history. Students should be sure to complete these forms carefully, accurately and fully, as the answers will be thoroughly reviewed and may have a significant impact on the student’s application for admission.
A student’s law school application will be forwarded to the bar committee, and any discrepancy between the law school application and the bar application will be explored. If a student is unsure as to whether they were completely candid on their application to law school, they should visit the Registrar’s Office (Room 1034) with their student ID card and ask to see a copy of their application. If a student needs to amend their application to the law school, they can make an appointment to speak to the Dean of Students to discuss the relevant issues and procedures.
Applicants are encouraged to determine the fitness requirements for any jurisdiction in which they intend to seek admission by contacting the jurisdiction. Mailing addresses and website addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners. Students are also recommended to review the Guide to Bar Admissions Requirements published by the NCBE.