Cardozo Law faculty members are among the most well-regarded in the nation. They are engaged in the issues of our time, and they are deeply committed to excellence in teaching. Our faculty ranks 36th in the nation for scholarly distinction, according to the newly released version of the Leiter Scholarly Distinction Score, which was conducted by Professor Gregory Sisk and colleagues at the University of St. Thomas School of Law and reported in Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports.
Professors Schneider and Gilles Elected to ALI
Professors Andrea Schneider and Myriam Gilles were elected to The American Law Institute in 2022. ALI, founded in 1923, is the leading independent organization in the United States producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize and improve the law. Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo was among its early leaders.
Professor Gilles Testifies Before Senate Committee on Ending Forced Arbitration
In March 2022, Professor Myriam Gilles testified before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. At the hearing, “Examining Mandatory Arbitration in Financial Service Products,” she said, “As we sit here, every single person in this country is subject to a forced arbitration clause in some aspect of their consumer life–if you want to seek redress for violation of privacy laws, data breaches, product liability, fraud and more–and they’re buried in the fine print of take-it-or-leave it contracts that demand that all disputes be settled in private arbitrations. The reason so few consumers are bringing arbitrations is because they have no idea they signed away their rights to a judge and jury, to a fair and open process.”
Recent Scholarship and Articles
Myriam Gilles, Brief of Complex Litigation Law Professors as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent: TransUnion LLC v. Ramirez, No. 20-297 (March 10, 2021). U of Colorado Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 21-13, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2021-05, University of Miami Legal Studies Research Paper No. 3802596 (with Sergio J. Campos, Christine Bartholomew, Maureen Carroll, Brooke D. Coleman, Suzette Malveaux, Elizabeth G. Porter, Adam S. Zimmerman and David Marcus) Available at SSRN or here.
Lela P. Love and Thomas Sipanowich, Dear 1L: Five Guideposts for Your Future Professional Practice, 22 Cardozo J. Conflict Resol. 529 (2021)
Lela P. Love, Eric Galton, and Jerome Weiss, The Decline of Dialogue: The Rise of Caucus-Only Mediation and the Disappearance of the Joint Session, 39 Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation 1, Cardozo Legal Studies Research Paper No. 651 (June 2021)
Andrea Kupfer Schneider, Carrie Menkel-Meadow: Dispute Resolution in a Feminist Voice, 9 Texas A&M Law Review (forthcoming 2022)
Andrea Kupfer Schneider and Cynthia Alkon, How to be a Better Plea Bargainer, 66 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 65 (2021)
Andrea Kupfer Schneider and Nancy Welsh, Bargaining in the Shadow of Investor-State Mediation: How the Threat of Mediation Will Improve Parties' Conflict Management, 17 University of St. Thomas Law Journal 373 (2021)
Andrea Kupfer Schneider, Discussions in Dispute Resolution, with Art Hinshaw and Sarah Cole, (Oxford University Press, 2021)
Andrea Kupfer Schneider, Counseling about More than the Law in Discussions in Dispute Resolution (edited with Art Hinshaw and Sarah Cole) (Oxford University Press, 2021)
Andrea Kupfer Schneider, Bashert: How I Found Dispute Resolution and It Found Me in Personal Histories in Conflict Resolution (edited by Nancy Welsh and Howard Gadlin) (DRI Press, 2020)
Robyn Weinstein and Lance Bond, Visions For the Future: Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in Court-Annexed ADR Programs, 22 Cardozo J. Conflict Resol., (2021)