Congratulations to the Class of 2023 Award Winners, who received their honors at a special ceremony at Cardozo on June 5, preceding Commencement.
The ceremony featured welcome remarks by Dean Melanie Leslie, and awards were presented to the students by Associate Dean Jenn Kim, Professor Luís Calderón Gómez, Professor Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Professor Pamela Foohey, Vice Dean Michael Burstein and Dean Leslie.
The complete list of the 55 awardees can be found below:
Class of 2023 Award Winners
Cardozo Service and Achievement Awards
Lindsay Brocki
Rebecca Laden
Liliana Martinez
Jacob Stein
Shelley Wu
Professor John Appel Award
Davis Villano
Distinguished Performance in the LL.M. Program
Xènia Campàs Gené
Caterina Cesario
Raphael Keller
Best Written Work Not for Publication in a Journal
Maria Prida
Best Written Work for Civil Advocacy
Talia Heller
Best Written Work for Criminal Justice
Molly Dower
Best Written Work for Publication
Rachel Gershengoren
Richard H. Weisberg Award
John Dellamore
Talia Heller
Brett Jones
Jacob Burns Medals
Sarika Andavolu
John Dellamore
Ilona Ehrlich
Peter Lewicki
Frechette Wallen
Megan McCurdy
Heidi Sandomir
Olivia Yoon
Nicholas Beudert
Andrew Bloom
Josie Brock
Gabriel Holl-Epstein
Mary Karapogosian
Eliza Jane Logan
Mamoon Saleemi
Jack Sorensen
Anda Totoreanu
Dilvin Tayip
Garanique Williams
Mike Downing Memorial Coaching Award
Anna Russo
Beatrice Cohen Award
Jonah Lax
James Lewis Award
Rebecca Kreiser
Telford Taylor Award
Brett Jones
Intellectual Property Award
Joseph Bellamy
Nina Hake
Federal Bar Council
Cornelius W. Wickersham Award
Lauren Chamberlin
The Jacob Burns Center for Ethics in the Practice of Law Award
Mika D’Angelo
IAPP Westin Scholar Award
Miles Starfield
Stanley H. Beckerman Public Interest Award
Louise Williams
Jonathan A. Weiss Award for Public Interest Law
Molly Dower
Archie A. Gorfinkel Award
Zoe Glaser
E. Nathaniel Gates Award
Sydney Osterweil-Artson
Steven Eric Tanenbaum Leadership Award
Hannah Petitti
National Association of Women Lawyers Award
Meghan Kacsmar
Louis Henkin Award
Jibraan Mansoor
ALI-ABA Scholarship and Leadership Award
Michelle Lavrichenko
Andrew S. Zucker Award
Paloma Bloch
Dr. Samuel Belkin Award
Isaac Strauss
Felix Frankfurter Award
John Dellamore