Spotlight on News from the Cardozo Community
Cardozo welcomes the 2023 May-Entry Class.
Cardozo celebrates public service at the 31st Annual Inspire! Awards.
Faculty Scholarship & News
Professor Andrea Kupfer Schneider gave a talk on negotiation training at the Yale School of Medicine Janeway Society Retreat on May 18. She will also be the Scholar-in-Residence at the Women's Rabbinic Network Convention 2023: Sacred Empowerment on June 5 through 8.
Professor Kathryn Miller presented “The Anti-Subordination Eighth Amendment, a Work in Progress” at the Junior Faculty Forum at the University of Richmond School of Law on May 23 and 24.
Professor Edward Stein will respond to comments on his paper “Adultery, Infidelity, and Consensual Non-Monogamy” at Radzyner Law School in Israel on June 4.