Spotlight on News from the Cardozo Community
Professors Matthew Wansley and Sam Weinstein spoke to Fortune about venture capitalists using illegal pricing strategies.
Professor Jessica Roth appeared on PBS NewsHour to discuss the Trump trial date being set.
Professor Edward Zelinsky was quoted in Law360 on his case against New York remote work rule. The case was also covered in State Tax Notes and Bloomberg Tax.
Faculty Scholarship & News
Professor Rebecca Ingber was appointed as a United States expert to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's Moscow Mechanism roster of experts and on the Advisory Committee on International Law to the U.S. Department of State’s Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser. She was also reappointed as a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Reiss Center on Law and Security.
University Professor Michel Rosenfeld, Professor Deborah Pearlstein and Visiting Professor Dmytro Vovk co-organized the “Polarized Constitutionalism” conference in Oxford, United Kingdom from July 24-25.
Professor Edward Zelinsky spoke on the “Post-Pandemic State Taxation of Non-Resident Telecommuter Wages” panel at the 56th Annual Meeting Week of the Multistate Tax Commission on July 26.