Event Details
Moot Court Room
Join us for an event on Post-Critical Perspectives on Critical Legal Studies, where faculty from Cardozo and other law schools will discuss the topic in a set of three sessions sponsored by Peter Goodrich and Michel Rosenfeld, supported by the Jacob Burns Fund. Admission is free.
Session 1: Death and Resurrection
Duncan Kennedy (Harvard):
The Critique of Rights in Retrospect
Adam Gearey (London):
Left on the Margins
Daniela Gandorfer (Westminster):
Critical Mass, Crypto-Currency Chain Reactions
James Stewart (Adelaide):
Revisiting the Death of CLS
Respondent: Stanley Fish (Florida International University)
Session 2: Extensions and Projections
Justin Desautels Stein (Colorado):
Re-Inventing Critique
Nathaniel Berman (Brown):
Get Thee Behind Me Satan
Amalia Verdu Sanmartin (Turku):
More-Than-Critical Thinking
Respondent: Patricia Williams (Northeastern)
Session 3: Future
Julie Saada & Vincent Forray (Sciences PO):
On (Critical) Traveling Theories
Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum (Cardozo):
Fighting Fires With Critical Practices
Andreas Philippopoulos-Migalopoulos (Westminster):
The Real Law
Respondent: Julie Stone Peters (Columbia)

Join us for an event on Post-Critical Perspectives on Critical Legal Studies, where faculty from Cardozo and other law schools will discuss the topic in a set of three sessions sponsored by Peter Goodrich and Michel Rosenfeld, supported by the Jacob Burns Fund.