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Matthew Wansley studies law and technology. Before joining the faculty, he was the General Counsel of nuTonomy, an automated driving startup spun out of MIT. Before that, he was a Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School. He clerked on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit and the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. His research has been published or is forthcoming in the Administrative Law Review, the Boston University Law Review, the Columbia Business Law Review, the Journal of Corporation Law, the Emory Law Journal, the Indiana Law Journal, the NYU Law Review, the Southern California Law Review, the U.C. Davis Law Review, and the Vanderbilt Law Review. His articles have been selected for the American Constitution Society Junior Scholar Workshop, the American Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting, the Michigan Junior Scholars Conference, the Northwestern/Penn/Stanford Junior Faculty Forum on Law & STEM, and the Penn Institute for Law and Economics Corporate Roundtable and republished in Corporate Practice Commentator, the Environmental Law and Policy Annual Review, and the Securities Law Review. His work has been covered in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.
Courses: Contracts, Corporations, Torts, Venture Capital
Featured Scholarship
No Exit
100 NYU Law Review (forthcoming) (with Brian Broughman and Sam Weinstein)
Regulating Robotaxis
99 Southern California Law Review (forthcoming) (with Bryant Walker Smith)
104 Boston University Law Review (forthcoming 2025) (with Mark Lemley)
Antitrust, Private Equity & Venture Capital
Research Handbook on the Structure of Private Equity and Venture Capital (forthcoming 2025) (with Sam Weinstein)
Regulating Driving Automation Safety
73 Emory Law Journal 505 (2024)
76 Vanderbilt Law Review 1299 (2023) (with Brian Broughman)
48 Journal of Corporation Law 813 (2023) (with Sam Weinstein)
2022 Columbia Business Law Review 859 (2023)
97 Indiana Law Journal 1203 (2022)
55 U.C. Davis Law Review 269 (2021)
45 Journal of Corporation Law 151 (2019)
69 Vanderbilt Law Review 401 (2016)
67 Administrative Law Review 419 (2015)
Cost-Benefit Analysis as a Commitment Device
87 Temple Law Review 447 (2015)