Cardozo Law is a pioneer in the field of experiential learning, and a major portion of the program includes opportunities for practical experience. The school's simulation courses allow students to gain real casework and courtroom experience under the supervision of top practitioners
Intensive Trial Advocacy Program (ITAP)
The Intensive Trial Advocacy Program (ITAP) is a cornerstone of Cardozo's practical skills curriculum. In this two week immersion course held each January, students learn cutting-edge strategies for courtroom litigation under the instruction of leading jurists and lawyers from across the country.
In a "master class" approach to learning, students practice direct and cross examinations, interviewing and preparing witnesses, selecting juries, dealing with evidentiary issues, and preparing for and presenting bench and jury trials. The course ends with students conducting a full jury trial.
At every step, students are critiqued by judges and lawyers, including individual reviews of student performances on video. The course is taught in small groups in a supportive atmosphere in which even those students who doubt their ability to do trial work feel comfortable.

Intensive Mediation Advocacy Program (IMAP)
Every January, Cardozo hosts a five-day intensive, interactive Intensive Mediation Advocacy Program (IMAP) course that introduces students to the essential skills needed for effective client representation in mediation.
Every dispute does not result in a trial. In fact, more often than not, the litigants, represented by their respective attorneys, come to an agreement with the help of a mediator. Unlike Cardozo’s Mediation Clinic, which teaches students how to be the mediator, IMAP teaches students what it means to be the attorney during negotiations and mediation. IMAP instructors emphasize the importance of listening, managing emotions, preparing properly, and working in the best interests of the client.
The week concludes with a full day of mediation simulations during which students receive feedback from respected practitioners and scholars in the field.

Selected Year-Round Simulation Course Offerings
- ADR in the Workplace
- Advanced Trial Advocacy
- Anatomy of an Appeal
- Collaborative Family Law
- Contract Drafting
- Criminal Trial Practice
- Divorce Mediation
- Dispute Resolution Processes
- Drafting and Analyzing Corporate Agreements
- Fashion Law Drafting
- Fashion Law Practicum
- Intensive Mediation Advocacy Program (IMAP)
- Intensive Transactional Lawyering Program (ITRANS)
- Intensive Trial Advocacy Program (ITAP)
- International Business Negotiation
- Interviewing and Counseling
- Introduction to Financial Statements (I-FinS)
- Introduction to Mediation
- Introduction to Trial Advocacy
- Negotiation Theories and Skills
- New York Evidence in Theory and Practice
- Patent Law Practice
- Pretrial Practice
- Professional Responsibility
- Real Estate Reporter
Cardozo’s ITRANS program, an innovative two-week immersion course in which students gain essential transactional skills needed for effective client representation, just completed its sixth year, with 31 students participating. The course’s structure sets up a mock deal; students, divided into teams, work on executing the deal, utilizing skills including contract drafting, transactional issue analysis, negotiations, client communication, matter management, due diligence, preparation of closing documents and client service, all through an interactive workshop process that is guided and critiqued by experienced attorneys.